Sunday, August 7, 2011

Katharsis Aug. 7 '11


The tracks: Songs:Ohia - The Body Burned Away, Ryan Teague - White Nights, Early Day Miners - The Purest Red, Harris Newman - Driving All Night with Only My Mind, She Keeps Bees - Make You My Moon, Des Ark - Two Hearts Are Better Than One, Saito Koji - Count, 3ofmillions - Her Subtlety In My Subconscious, KlumpesAhmad - Her Lovers and My Letterhead, Keith Fullerton Whitman - Multiples Track 5 (Untitled), Adrian Klumpes - Alone, Thalassing - Three Arcs, Tarentel - Harmonics (live @ the Jazz House, Berkeley CA, July 24 '04), Rafael Anton Irisarri - Distance, Devin Underwood + Marcus Fischer - Wind, Ed Cooke - The Stolen Mirror, Biosphere - Oi-1, Fink - Who Says, Esmerine - A Dog River, Fridge - Tone Guitar and Drum Noise, Tonstartssbandht - Hymn Eola, and Fourcolor - Ecru Diver.

Show recording available upon request.

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