Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Katharsis Mar. 10 '08

Thanks to a computer that apparently didn't make the adjustment to daylight savings time on its' own only the second hour of the show was recorded (get it here).

I hate daylight savings. In my opinion, the effort to reset all the household clocks & timers and the jet lag and fuzzyheadedness caused by messing with our internal clocks every 6 months is not worth the few extra hours of daylight in the spring and fall. Recent studies have also indicated that practicing “daylight savings” may actually result in overall increases in energy consumption and in risk of accidents.

So what’s the point? It would be a lot simpler to just stick to a standard time year round. I suspect my computer thinks so as well as it did not make the jump forward on the weekend and thus the show recording from this week is missing the first hour. There was lots of great new music in that first hour too. Argg!

Music played in the first hour (but missed in the recording): Destroyer, No Kids, A Weather, The Neighbourhood Council, Balmorhea, Plants & Animals, The Low Lows, Beach House, Hanne Hukkelberg, and Kaki King.

The selections that were captured in the recording of the 2nd hour were: Sylvian Chauveau, Bohren & Der Club of Gore, The Dead Science, The For Carnation, Dub Trio, The Big Sleep, Epic 45, American Music Club, School of Language, and Takeshi Nishimoto.

The show recording is in .ogg format taken directly from the cjsw stream. Due to the reduced size I was able to post it to zshare.net.

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