Sunday, September 14, 2014

Katharsis Sept. 14 '14

Download the show recording mp3

The tracks: [format: Artist - Song - Album (Label)]

Ilyas Ahmed - As Another - Goner (Root Strata)
Forest Tate Fraser w/ Evan van Reekum - Forget Me Not Creek - The Fall EP (Self-Released)
Birds of Passage - Ashes to Ashes - This Kindly Slumber (Denovali)
Butterfly in the Snowfall - Abandon - Butterfly in the Snowfall (Home Normal)
Piipstjilling - Unkrud - Wurdskrieme (Experimedia)
Rachel's - Systems/Layers - Systems/Layers (Quarterstick)
Orla Wren - Willow Bows and Cat's Cradles - Book of the Folded Forest (Home Normal)
Mike Cooper - Each Day at Dusk - White Shadows in the South Seas (Room40)
Matt Christensen - Dumb God - Coma Gears (Bathetic)
Michael Feuerstack - Trees - Tambourine Death Bed (Forward Music Group)
Mark Lanegan and Duke Garwood - Black Pudding - Black Pudding (Ipecac)
Matt Elliott - Reap What You Sow - Only Myocardial Infarction Can Break Your Heart (Ici D'Ailleurs)
Reuben and the Dark - Standing Still - Funeral Sky (Arts and Crafts)
Rauelsson - Dusk, Gravel, Dawn - Vora (Sonic Pieces)
James Toth - Quicksand Rose - Roads to Ruin (Three Lobed)
Quinimine - Virginia Lee - Sucker EP (Self-Released)
Richard Buckner - Portrait - Surrounded (Merge)
Feral & Stray - Carried Away - Between You and the Sea (Mikrokleinstgarten)
Elbow - My Sad Captains - The Take Off and Landing of Everything (Fiction)
Desertshore - Mesa Verde - Migrations of Glass (Darkhan Records)
David Grubbs - The Hesitation Waltz - The Plain Where the Palace Stood (Drag CIty)
Cold Specks - A Season of Doubt - Neuroplastcity (Mute/Arts & Crafts)
Jesse Maranger - Tall as Towers - So I Love You As You Are (Self-Released)
Rue Royale - Shouldn't Have Closed My Eyes - Remedies Ahead (Sinnbus)
Stephen Vitiello, Molly Berg - Easy Travel - Between You and the Shapes You Take (12k)
Tara Jane O'Neil - Wordless in Woods - Where Shine New Lights (Kranky)

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